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Miss Kara Crawley lived 1999-2017. Photos were taken when the Crawley family was in a mission in 2003. Your prayers are much appreciated for the Crawley family and other missionaries.
From Mrs. Karen Crawley,
“With children aged nearly 5 and 3 1/2 years old, we were looking for short term mission work to experience as a family together. We heard about MMM from a friend at church and immediately found that we could relate to the work they did, their Christian principles and stewardship, and the concept of involving and teaching the local community whilst helping them too.
We spent 3 weeks at an orphanage in Asia then 3 weeks at a Christian outreach camp-site, and were extremely impressed by not only their servant hearts but how well organised everyone was. Our children and us were extremely blessed to both live and work alongside the various teams, we thoroughly enjoyed our time with MMM”
我們和5歲的女兒和3歲半的兒子,一家人正尋找短期宣教體驗服侍的時候。我們從教堂的一位朋友那裡聽說了MMM,並立即發現他們用雙手侍人及以建設幫助别人的工作正正是我們所想做的。 他們「服務那些服務别人的人」的理念和基督原則,幫助建設當地社區的同時,更教導當地社區居民建設技能,然後一同建造家園的概念實在太棒了。
我們在亞洲孤兒院呆了 3 週,和村民及孤兒們同餐共處,一起修補房屋,然後成班義工在外展營地呆了 3 週,不僅對他們單純的僕人服侍人的心,且每個人的投入自律,以及MMM井然有序的組織安排印象深刻。 我們的孩子雖然年幼,和我們夫婦之前也不懂建設工程,透過簡單培訓學習,就能拿起油掃和各種工具,與團隊一起快樂工作和生活,我們非常享受與MMM一起建設的時光,孩子俩還是最年輕的小工匠、小義工,樂於助人,勇於建設的小種子也在幼小心靈播下……
MMM.org.hk & Schools
國際流動建設(香港)綠色使命中心(MMMGMC)主要透過綠色體驗、耕作、工程和培訓,組織及鼓勵基督徒珍愛上帝所造的萬物,將綠色可持續生活融入信仰和日常。 並透過彼此合作和實際的參與,體驗和服侍, 傳揚福音。
國際流動建設協會是一個成立超過 47年的國際性非牟利機構, 在香港、澳洲、纽西蘭、 非洲、贊比亞、泰國等設有地區中心。
MMM International (Hong Kong) Limted 國際流動建設(香港)協會有限公司
MMM Centres in Other Countries
MMM Australia website >>> http://www.mmm.org.au/
MMM Australia commenced in Australia as Mobile Mission Maintenance in 1975….
MMM New Zealand website >>> http://www.mmm.org.nz/
MMM New Zealand located at Pirongia, a small rural town in the North Island, two hour drive south of Auckland and 30 minutes from Hamilton….
MMM South Africa website >>> http://www.mmmsouthafrica.org/
Exciting opportunities exist to serve in South Africa….
WhatsApp +852 5508 6090